- Used Books -

We're proud to offer an extensive selection of used books of all genres, both fiction and non-fiction. Our selection has been specially curated by our staff from our local community.

The majority of our used books come through in trade and are then put out on the shelves for you to peruse. More titles are put out every day, so be sure to check back frequently!



We now accept ONLY Graphic Novels and Manga as trade for Store Credit. We still gladly accept other genres and products as donations.**

While we pride ourselves on having a large selection of used books, we need your help to keep it that way. We accept used books in trade and offer store credit in exchange that can be spent on anything in-store.

We receive book trade daily and will give you a call as soon as we have a chance to go through yours. Any items that we are unable to take in trade you can choose to either have donated to the local library or if you'd like them back, we will hold them 48 hours for you to pick up.

The Life She Had

K.L. Armstrong

$5.95 + ADD TO CART
1 in stock

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Henry Lawson: Best Stories

Henry Lawson, Cecil Mann

$3.95 + ADD TO CART
1 in stock

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Uncle Tom's Cabin

Harriet Beecher Stowe

$5.95 + ADD TO CART
1 in stock

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Orson Scott Card

$4.95 + ADD TO CART
1 in stock

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