We can't wait for Free Comic Book day!
Hello AU Family,
Thank you to everyone who did their part to slow the spread of COVID! We are, as allowed by Washington State and the CDC, no longer requiring masks in the store for folks who are fully vaccinated!
Music Man Matt brought in tons of awesome records for Record Store Day (RSD) Part Two! RSD is an annual event where curated, special releases (or special versions of them) are made available to local indie music stores, and most of our local audiophiles were thrilled with the selection this round! One of the top-selling vinyls for RSD across the country was the Foo Fighters’ album, Dee Gee. Every single one of the 12,000 copies that were released sold in less than five minutes! That’s CRAZY! In looking to future Record Store Days, we’re very excited to find out that a singular RSD drop is in the works for 2022 - we really do love the more traditional format of one, super RSD!
During July, we were excited to begin hosting events again! As most of you know, we work to have as many fun and interesting events as possible! We started our events with one that is near and dear to the store by hosting a book signing for "Aphelion," a book of poetry by Ian Martin. Ian's passing was deeply personal for the store and many others in the community. To honor his memory, his father, Greg Martin, worked with Ian’s long-time friend, Katie Baker, to have this second book of poetry illustrated published after Ian's death. Greg and Katie set up this signing for "Aphelion" with Dana Oatis (LICSW, MBA) from Lordes Medical Center, a specialist in mental health and mental health awareness. The focus of the signing was honoring Ian and raising suicide prevention awareness. If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, we strongly encourage you to contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255
With events back on the schedule, August is already shaping up to be an exciting month here at Adventures Underground. Author J.T. Greathouse will be launching their book, "Hand of the Sun King" with us on August 8th, and our in-house Comics Guru, Travis, has been hard at work getting everything prepared for Free Comic Book Day on August 14th. The line for Free Comic Book Day will be formed on the Symons Street side of the store, so please use the Caterpillar Café entrance! To accommodate all you Free Comic Book fans, Adventures Underground will be open an hour early on the 14th! We’ll see you at 10:00am!
Finally, our Labor Day Sidewalk Sale is on the books to help us wrap up the summer season. Look out for more details on the sales as we get closer!
Thanks for following the Underground's newsletter. If you have any questions or suggestions please let us know!