Hello AU Family!
Welcome to summertime in the Tri-Cities and Adventures Underground. I hope everyone is staying hydrated and healthy!
I have been in my position now for a couple of months. I'm feeling more confident in the world of books, and I've been able to spend some time with my staff, learning the ins and outs of how each department runs. We are bringing in some fun, new, and exciting products!
Recently, I've been expanding my reading, and have created a Pull List for comics. I started Karmen, The Many Deaths of Laila Starr, and Beta Ray Bill. Out of these 3 comics, I would most highly recommend Karmen. It's a provocative story that explores grief, suicide, and redemption, told as a visual feast-for-the-eyes, and featuring ethereal, fantastic artwork to set the tone. Guillem is a fantastic artist who definitely deserves some spotlight! If you are looking to start a Pull List, reach out to our comic book guru, Travis, and he can work his magic for you!
We are coming up on the 14th Anniversary for Adventures Underground! And to celebrate that, we are going to be doing a huge sidewalk sale featuring books, records, comics and MORE! This will take place May 28th through June 2nd (te birthday of AU). Not only will we be doing a huge sidewalk sale the following week, but we will also be doing a week of in-store specials. Make sure you keep an eye on our social media, or stop into the store and ask about it! 14 years is huge, so we want to make sure we take care of everyone who helped us get this far!
Our team has been doing our part in keeping the numbers low by getting vaccinated, continuing to wear masks, and sanitizing every half hour. We are holding out hope that this global pandemic will come to an end soon, but for now, we ask that you still MASK UP while in the store, even if you are vaccinated.
I am beyond excited to see where this summer is going to take us! In the meantime, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns please reach out to me!